The established left leaves the criticism of Islam to the xenophobes of the right, rather than to formulate one of emancipation, education and humanism oriented criticism of the Islamic Human finish. As such, it is not surprising that after the murder of Kurt Westergaard, the media across Europe to their readers and viewers while the "controversial cartoons of the Danish illustrator reported, but could not believe a leading newspaper, his Figure of Muhammad, including bomb in his turban, which after thousands of jihadi motivated attacks in recent years as obvious is restrained in its criticism reprint.
We need to discuss more about religion, instead of resorting to an abstract forest and Wiesenatheismus. A criticism of Islam should not be left to xenophobes. From: The
We need to discuss more about religion, instead of resorting to an abstract forest and Wiesenatheismus. A criticism of Islam should not be left to xenophobes. From: The
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